Why Diamond is so costly? | Actual reason behind it
Usually, a common man uses diamonds as jewelry. But he/she won’t know what are actual uses of diamonds, he/she won’t know how a diamond forms and how much it takes to form even a 1 carat of diamond.
What is a Diamond?
Diamond is a form of the element carbon. Its atoms are arranged in a crystal structure called diamond cubic. Diamond is the hardest element with thermal conductivity of any natural material.
Uses of a Diamond
The main uses of Diamonds
- Health Industries
- Assisting with Cavities
- Beauty Products
- Industrial Purpose
- Replace Silicon in Computers
- High-end Speakers
How a Diamond form?
Diamond need four conditions to form:
- Carbon (Most essencial)
- High Temperature (Above 1200 degree celcius)
- Pressure (Approx 10,00,000psi)
- Time (Over billions of years)
Diamonds that currently found on Earth have formed over 3 billion years ago deep within the Earth’s crust under intense heat conditions with the pressure that causes carbon atoms to crystallize forming diamonds.
Diamonds are found at a depth of approx. 150-200km below the surface of the Earth with an average temperature of around 900 to 1,300 degrees Celsius and at a pressure of 45 to 60 kilobars (i.e. approx 50,000 times that of Earth’s atmospheric pressure).
How long does a Diamond take to form?
Usually, we say that diamonds have remained undisturbed for hundreds of millions of years. Diamonds have existed even before the era of dinosaurs. But, According to the British Jewelers’ Association, natural diamonds are more than 900 million years old and the world’s oldest diamond is around 3 billion years old. These are definitely extraordinary findings. Some scientific facts claim that natural diamonds can be younger.
Why Diamond so Expensive?
In general, a 1 carat diamond costs between $1,800 and $12,000. The cost depends on factors such as the Cut quality, Clarity, Color, and Shape of the diamond. Cut quality is the aspect that most greatly impacts a 1-carat diamond’s price and its beauty.
These were the facts that we all know but there are some facts that only a few people know.
Finding a piece of an element under 150km deep inside Earth with above 1000000psi pressure, more than 1200 degrees Celcius temperature, and mixed with other particles such as rocks dust molten magma is not easy is about “impossible” to the miners who struggles for that. But our miners are really so brilliant who find that element even under these conditions.
This shows that the hard work of miners and the preciousness of this element are also the reasons behind such expensiveness of Diamond.
Image Credit:- Pexels | Pixabay | Unsplash
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